Top Spin 4 is the fourth instalment in Top Spin tennis game series. Users play choosing from a roster of 25 real-world players comprehensive of active professionals and past glories, or opt for a player created by themselves, on real-world tournaments courts and other fictional ones.
Shots divide firstly into controlled and power shots, performed respectively by tapping or charging related button (if charge is not complete, resulting shot will be a blend of the two types). Ball speed and trajectory depend by shot type, player characteristics, player position, characteristics of the shot that is to be returned, remaining stamina, and timing. Timing expresses the player’s ability in pressing shot button at the right time, and ranges from Too Late to Perfect. Once the opponent has hit the ball, one’s player movement starts when the gamer pushes a direction and since then is determined by the CPU.
Standard baseline shot types are flat, slice, top spin, lob, and drop shots; volley shots can be normal, controlled, power, and drop volleys; serves can be flat slice and topspin, and focus on precision (standard serve) or power (advanced serve).
Offline game modes are Exhibition, Career, King of the Court, and Top Spin Academy, that is a tutorial mode in which the fundamentals of the game are explained by a coach and then put in practice by the player.
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